ソラマメブログ › 月華侍 › 既に終了したイベント › B@R C:SI Dueling Tournament[E]


B@R C:SI Dueling Tournament[E]

Bare Rose Tokyo carries out the event of the fourth anniversary.
This tournament is one of the events of those.
B@R C:SI Dueling Tournament[E]
B@R C:SI Dueling Tournament[E]
Date: 09-08-23 03:00AM PDT / 09-08-23 07:00PM JST.
Type: General tournament rule.
Where: http://slurl.com/secondlife/White%20Wolf/143/202/26
Prize: 1st 750L$, 2nd 500L$, 3rd 250L$.
To everybody who participated, Special Clothes which June Dion created for the tournament.
How do I participate?: Please apply for participation to Verlanis Melnitz. Verlanis uses german and english.
16 fighters can participate in order of an application.

Do you want to know all their events?
Please click, http://barerose.slmame.com/search.php?search=%EF%BC%94%E5%91%A8%E5%B9%B4%E8%A8%98%E5%BF%B5
Although their page is Japanese, there is a translation script in a page.

Mokujin タイムトライアル 終了
Happy rezday Volk.
090813 SLT Team Fight in Wulin
090811SLT Team Fight in Wulin
B@R C:SI Dueling Tournament
 日本の祭に五稜郭 (2009-08-22 03:09)
 Mokujin タイムトライアル 終了 (2009-08-17 10:32)
 Happy rezday Volk. (2009-08-16 18:22)
 090813 SLT Team Fight in Wulin (2009-08-14 17:30)
 090811SLT Team Fight in Wulin (2009-08-12 18:00)
 B@R C:SI Dueling Tournament (2009-08-07 22:42)

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